16 research outputs found

    From Personalization to Adaptivity: Creating Immersive Visits through Interactive Digital Storytelling at the Acropolis Museum

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    Storytelling has recently become a popular way to guide museum visitors, replacing traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric cohesive narrations with references to the exhibits and multimedia content. This work presents the fundamental elements of the CHESS project approach, the goal of which is to provide adaptive, personalized, interactive storytelling for museum visits. We shortly present the CHESS project and its background, we detail the proposed storytelling and user models, we describe the provided functionality and we outline the main tools and mechanisms employed. Finally, we present the preliminary results of a recent evaluation study that are informing several directions for future work

    Profiling Attitudes for Personalized Information Provision

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    PAROS is a generic system under design whose goal is to offer personalization, recommendation, and other adaptation services to information providing systems. In its heart lies a rich user model able to capture several diverse aspects of user behavior, interests, preferences, and other attitudes. The user model is instantiated with profiles of users, which are obtained by analyzing and appropriately interpreting potentially arbitrary pieces of user-relevant information coming from diverse sources. These profiles are maintained by the system, updated incrementally as additional data on users becomes available, and used by a variety of information systems to adapt the functionality to the users’ characteristics

    Self-configured Entity Resolution with pyJedAI

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    Entity Resolution has been an active research topic for the last three decades, with numerous algorithms proposed in the literature. However, putting them into practice is often a complex task that requires implementing, combining and configuring complementary individual algorithms into comprehensive end-to-end workflows. To facilitate this process, we are developing pyJedAI, a novel system that provides a unifying framework for any type of main works in the field (i.e., both unsupervised and learning-based ones). Our vision is to facilitate both novice and expert users to use and combine these algorithms through a series of principled approaches for automatically configuring and benchmarking end-to-end pipelines

    D3.1 – User Requirements & Scenarios - Alpha ANNEX

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    This deliverable reports on the user needs and requirements for EMOTIVE experiences, focusing on both main user groups targeted by the project, namely authors and visitors. Visitor groups have been identified for EMOTIVE cultural partner sites (The Hunterian Museum’s Antonine Wall site display in Scotland and the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey) and presented in the form of personas. The second part of the document presents selected interpretation material and proposed experience concepts that will lead to the creation of EMOTIVE experiences for both sites. An accompanying D3.1 Annex includes supplementary information on the studies and events carried out in support of user needs elicitation and scenario development

    D3.1 – User Requirements & Scenarios - Alpha

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    This deliverable reports on the user needs and requirements for EMOTIVE experiences, focusing on both main user groups targeted by the project, namely authors and visitors. Visitor groups have been identified for EMOTIVE cultural partner sites (The Hunterian Museum’s Antonine Wall site display in Scotland and the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey) and presented in the form of personas. The second part of the document presents selected interpretation material and proposed experience concepts that will lead to the creation of EMOTIVE experiences for both sites. An accompanying D3.1 Annex includes supplementary information on the studies and events carried out in support of user needs elicitation and scenario development

    D3.1 – User Requirements & Scenarios - Alpha ANNEX

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    This deliverable reports on the user needs and requirements for EMOTIVE experiences, focusing on both main user groups targeted by the project, namely authors and visitors. Visitor groups have been identified for EMOTIVE cultural partner sites (The Hunterian Museum’s Antonine Wall site display in Scotland and the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey) and presented in the form of personas. The second part of the document presents selected interpretation material and proposed experience concepts that will lead to the creation of EMOTIVE experiences for both sites. An accompanying D3.1 Annex includes supplementary information on the studies and events carried out in support of user needs elicitation and scenario development

    D3.1 – User Requirements & Scenarios - Alpha

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    This deliverable reports on the user needs and requirements for EMOTIVE experiences, focusing on both main user groups targeted by the project, namely authors and visitors. Visitor groups have been identified for EMOTIVE cultural partner sites (The Hunterian Museum’s Antonine Wall site display in Scotland and the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey) and presented in the form of personas. The second part of the document presents selected interpretation material and proposed experience concepts that will lead to the creation of EMOTIVE experiences for both sites. An accompanying D3.1 Annex includes supplementary information on the studies and events carried out in support of user needs elicitation and scenario development

    From personalization to adaptivity - Creating immersive visits throughinteractive digital storytelling at the Acropolis Museum

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    Storytelling has recently become a popular way to guide museum visitors, replacing traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric cohesive narrations with references to the exhibits and multimedia content. This work presents the fundamental elements of the CHESS project approach, the goal of which is to provide adaptive, personalized, interactive storytelling for museum visits. We shortly present the CHESS project and its background, we detail the proposed storytelling and user models, we describe the provided functionality and we outline the main tools and mechanisms employed. Finally, we present the preliminary results of a recent evaluation study that are informing several directions for future work

    Self-configured Entity Resolution with pyJedAI

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    <p>Entity Resolution has been an active research topic for the last three decades, with numerous algorithms proposed in the literature. However, putting them into practice is often a complex task that requires implementing, combining and configuring complementary individual algorithms into comprehensive end-to-end workflows. To facilitate this process, we are developing pyJedAI, a novel system that provides a unifying framework for any type of main works in the field (i.e., both unsupervised and learning-based ones). Our vision is to facilitate both novice and expert users to use and combine these algorithms through a series of principled approaches for automatically configuring and benchmarking end-to-end pipelines.</p&gt